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Taking Stock of October/November.

Hey guys, it's #friday so you know what that means. I've got that #lifestyle blog post for you guys. Plus the weekend is here and I couldn't be more relieved. My week has been so long and packed with work, assignments, CATs...... There's no one who needs a long weekend of rest and unwinding than me, oh and also every other person in Uni right now😂😂 It's mid month, I know, but I've really been looking forward to taking stock with you guys. Indulge me please, I'm desperate😢 So let's kick it off🤗🤗🤗🤗 Feeling so proud of myself lately for holding myself together. I'm crying less when I'm tired and overwhelmed and I'm letting loose more. This means I have less stress when things don't go my way (which is so many times these days, smh adulthood) and I'm accepting that that's okay. Enjoying the last few months I have of University life. I can't believe we'll be done by next year. Appreciating the small joys in my life like not having caught a cold in months. Guys, I am killing this health game😎 (says me after drinking half a litre of water everyday for a week.) Loving my body more. It's so easy to get caught up in body shaming yourself and I didn't realise I was doing it to myself until I looked at myself in the mirror last week and I hated so many things about me. But that's a post for another day. Right now, I'm loving my imperfect body❤️ Marveling at how far I've come this year and all the people who have made my year what it was. Number one on the list, my MVP, God🙏 Anticipating about my sister coming to visit me next week. How do you entertain a 14 year old? God, she's gonna hate Narok😭 Grateful for one man in my life, my Bear, who has been my greatest joy this year. How did I get so lucky? Ugh I'm literally wiping tears from off my phone😭😭😭😭 Reading NOTHING BUT MY NOTES BECAUSE GUESS WHAT, *insert Ned Stark's voice* Exams are coming.... Listening to a lot of podcasts including The Ted Radio Hour from NPR(one of my favourites at the moment) , Call Your Girlfriend📞, and The Spread💦 Do you guys like podcasts? What Kenyan podcasts are you digging right now? Challenging myself lately and doing some rather impulsive things like starting a WhatsApp group for my blog😅 I mean, which crazy socially awkward but not really, introverted weirdo but not really, person does that? 😂😂😂 If you're still in the group after all that radio silence, I'm kinda in love with you, honest😍 Looking forward to going home, to Eldoret, to see my mummy and kick off this festive season 😁 Have I ever mentioned how much I love Christmas? 🎄 Writing Abigail and Xavier's story for tomorrow. I'm kinda stuck actually since last week. To be completely honest, I don't know where the story is going🤦 Planning for a great week next week because I want to be a cool big sister to my little sister and also being a better host to her than my brother🙄 I'm not saying it's a competition, nor am I saying it isn't😑 Learning to be less uptight about things. Missing braids😭 Needing a whole new wardrobe. Santa, I've been really good-ish this year. Trying to be a better person in general. Not judging people, not just thinking about myself, seeing the other person's perspective, not being such a snob..... I have a lot to work on. Getting out of my comfort zone, slowly, but getting out regardless.  

So that was my October and half of November. It wasn't glamorous at all😂 Hope yours were awesome btw. 

I'll be back tomorrow with #creativewriting with Abigail and Xavier's story. Hopefully I'll have gotten over the writer's block. 

But do give me your feedback, I love hearing from you 🤗🤗🤗🤗

And don't be strangers. Keeep in touch. And do say hi to me when you see me on the Internet, trust me, I'm a gem😜. 

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