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Taking Stock of September.

Um, first of all, happy new month everyone🤗🤗🎊🎉🎶 Was September just one week? It went so fast and at this rate, next week will be Christmas. September was a really chill month. It came with so much to do, so much to learn and so much to be grateful for. So let's take stock, shall we? Feeling so grateful for everything that came my way in September 🙏 I had been praying about God opening doors for me and he opened windows too😪 Preparing for another action packed month. I'll be having new mats to make next week but this time I will have help from my broo🤗

Loving all the growth I've gone through this month. I got out of my comfort zone and did something risky to earn money with my roommate and it paid off big time🤑 Thinking of turning that something risky into a business with my roommate as my partner🤔 Dreading finishing fourth year. I mean, the uncertainty levels out there are already giving me anxiety and the first semester of fourth year has just begun🤦 Wanted, and still do, to get as many new shoes as possible. I mean I have shoes, I just want new ones. Can't a girl have thirty pairs of shoes? 😍 Wrote more and more every day. My consistency is becoming better and better. I literally had to haul myself out of bed to write this taking stock. Had a hard time waking up in the morning these days. It's like all my classes these days are at eight in the morning and my body just doesn't understand that. I get to class late, as usual 💁 Enjoyed my new haircut 💇. It's not a big chop, just a subtle trim that got me feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. Now I understand why some women suddenly shave all their hair off.

Read The Great Gatsby and Flowers for Algernon. Algernon has a heart wrenching ending I can't talk about it. Gatsby is more pleasant, you guys should totally read this classic. Watched a lot of movies lately on my phone. Did I mention I have a new phone? Juggled so many roles that sometimes I feel overwhelmed. God opened windows and doors for me but I want to go through all of them. What I need is to decide which one I should do. Got an old friend back in my life🤗 God I had missed them! But if I tell them how much I missed them, they will grow a big head😂 Eating less sugar. I haven't eaten a biscuit or a lollipop since August. Lacking the motivation I used to have that got me waking up to go running. I need that back in my life. Listening to three albums everyday continuously. J Cole's KOD, Nasty C's Strings and blings and 6lack's East Atlanta Love Letter. Once all the hype surrounding them died down, I started to actually like them. 

Loving all the fun I have when on a photoshoot🤗 Thank you so much Sam for everything❤️❤️❤️❤️

Relearning how to stop and rest when I'm tired and overwhelmed instead of quitting or shutting down. Also relearning how to ask for help when I need it. 

So how's your October looking? Let me know in the comments 🤗

I've got more content coming up tomorrow #creativewriting so watch out! 

Leave me a comment after this and let me know what you think about the blog so far. Or we can connect on the socials. Don't be a stranger🤗 Facebook - Selina Teyie. 

Facebook page - The Tess Chronicles. 

Twitter - @SelinaTeyie

Instagram - @selina_teyie


Keep in touch😘 Have a great day guys✌ 

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